Villalobos Rescue Center began in 1993 as a sanctuary for wolves and wolfdogs—misunderstood creatures that, much like the dogs we rescue today, had been cast aside by society. It was a passion born from a deep love for these animals, a calling to give them a second chance when the world had turned its back on them.
Seven years later, in
Villalobos Rescue Center began in 1993 as a sanctuary for wolves and wolfdogs—misunderstood creatures that, much like the dogs we rescue today, had been cast aside by society. It was a passion born from a deep love for these animals, a calling to give them a second chance when the world had turned its back on them.
Seven years later, in a twist of fate, our journey took an unexpected turn. The American Pit Bull Terrier—another breed riddled with misconceptions and mistreatment—found its way into our hearts and our mission. It wasn’t a decision we planned, but rather one that felt inevitable, as if these dogs had been waiting for us all along. With heavy hearts, we entrusted the care of the wolves and wolfdogs to another organization, redirecting our focus to the countless Pit Bulls in need.
But life has a way of leading us back to where we belong. Who could have ever imagined that, more than two decades later, we would find ourselves standing at the crossroads of our past and present? That the very animals who started it all would once again be part of our mission?
Yet here we are, full circle. The echoes of our early days are now woven into our future, proving that fate always finds a way.
Caught between two worlds—never fully belonging to either. This is the tragic existence of a canine born from the fusion of a domesticated dog and a wild wolf, known as a "wolfdog" or "wolf hybrid."
These animals never asked to be created, never chose to walk the fragile line between civilization and the wild. Yet, through human interfe
Caught between two worlds—never fully belonging to either. This is the tragic existence of a canine born from the fusion of a domesticated dog and a wild wolf, known as a "wolfdog" or "wolf hybrid."
These animals never asked to be created, never chose to walk the fragile line between civilization and the wild. Yet, through human interference—often driven by profit rather than compassion—they are forced into an existence neither species is prepared for. Bred to satisfy curiosity or status, they are sold to unsuspecting owners who have no idea what they are bringing into their homes. Will their new companion behave like a loyal dog, or will the instincts of the wolf take hold? Or worse—will it be a chaotic blend of both?
More often than not, the outcome is devastating. Misunderstood, abandoned, or surrendered, these animals are left to pay the price for a life they never asked for.
At our new Village of Wolves—a part of Villalobos dedicated to these forsaken souls—we have once again opened our hearts and our mission to those whom society has cast aside. These creatures deserve more than the fate they have been handed, and we are here to give them what the world never did—a chance.
For the love of the pack,
Tia Maria Torres
We began this journey in June of 2020.
East Texas wolf dog sanctuary in the works following backyard breeding situation in Athens
After years of our blood, sweat, and tears (literally), our project is complete. All of the wolfdogs now have beautiful enclosures and live in paradise.
But it doesn't end here. We must continue to care for t
We began this journey in June of 2020.
East Texas wolf dog sanctuary in the works following backyard breeding situation in Athens
After years of our blood, sweat, and tears (literally), our project is complete. All of the wolfdogs now have beautiful enclosures and live in paradise.
But it doesn't end here. We must continue to care for them for the rest of their lives. Here's how you can help.
To make an online monetary donation, please go to our main website: Donations - Villalobos Rescue Center
Our online store is:
To sponsor one of our wolfdogs: Sponsor/Virtually Adopt a VRC Dog or Cat - Villalobos Rescue Center
With your help, there will be many more "howls" to come.
Our email is:
We will do our best to get back to you in a timely manner so please be patient. The pack comes first!
Also be sure to follow us on Facebook:
To sponsor one of these beautiful lost souls, go to our sponsorship page: Sponsor/Virtually Adopt a VRC Dog or Cat - Villalobos Rescue Center